Brooke Davis
Organization: D.C. Everest School District
Brooke represents the education sector. As a school counselor for DC Everest Junior High School, Brooke works daily with students in areas related to academic progress, behavioral issues and emotional concerns. Brooke also works with the school district and community leaders on programs to support the needs of our students.
Katie Dively
Past President
Community Member
Katie serves as Vice President, and a community representative on Healthy Marathon County. Through her position with the Montana State University – Center for Health and Safety Culture, Katie provides support and guidance to communities and organizations engaging in strategies to improve health and safety.
Tara Draeger
Organization: Aspirus Wausau Hospital
Tara is President of Healthy Marathon County for 2019, representing the healthcare sector. She is Manager, Community Health Programs, for Aspirus, and is responsible for overseeing requirements related to Community Benefit for non-profit hospitals.

Brad Gast
Organization: Northcentral Technical College
Brad represents the education sector as Dean of Continuing Education and Virtual College for Northcentral Technical College. He leads the College’s ongoing and adult education programs as well as all programs offered through virtual college.
Andy Grimm
Organization: Wausau School District
Andy has worked for the Wausau School District since 1998 (21 years) as a school counselor and (past 7 years) as the Coordinator of Counseling Services, facilitating support for the Wausau School District “Whole Child-Whole Wausau” in the areas of social/emotional learning, academic and career planning, school-based counseling services, youth mental health awareness, and trauma-sensitive approaches. Andy also works with the Wausau Police Department and Marathon County School-Based Counseling Consortium to provide layered support to the Wausau School District community. In addition to his role in the Wausau School District, Andy has been an adjunct instructor for Lakeland University since 2012, primarily teaching graduate classes within the Masters in Counseling program.
Holly Koeppel
Organization: CoVantage Credit Union
Holly is a member of Healthy Marathon County, representing the financial sector of the community, and is Branch Manager of CoVantage Credit Union, overseeing operations of the Rothschild Office.
Kim Larsen
Organization: Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area
Kim is the Chief Operating Officer at the Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area as well as a community representative for Healthy Marathon County. Through her role at the BGC, Kim provides support for staff, as well as handles Club operations, and fosters community partnerships to ensure Great Futures Start Here for the youth in our area.
Kaylee McColley
Organization: North Central Health Care
Kayley is a behavioral health technician at North Central Health Care and a nursing student at Northcentral Technical College. She is also a board member of One Wausau, People for the Power of Love, Marathon County Youth Council, and Wausau Transfam Alliance. Through community organization and advocacy, Kayley works to uplift youth and minority voices.

Corrie Norrbom
Organization: WIPPS – UW Center for Civic Engagement
Corrie serves as the Treasurer/Secretary of Healthy Marathon County and represents the education and healthcare sectors. Corrie is the Health Policy Fellow at the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service (WIPPS), where her work focuses on community engagement and action around addressing the social determinants of health and development of Community Health Business Partnerships. Corrie also is a physician for the Aspirus Family Walk-In Clinic, and teaches at Medical College of Wisconsin-Central Wisconsin, and will be taking on the role of course director for the Scholarly Pathways – Physician in the Community course.
Jeff Sargent
Organization: United Way Marathon County
Jeff is a member of Healthy Marathon County, and as Director/CEO of United Way Marathon County, unite peoples and organizations in Marathon County to build a stronger community, and strategically invest in health, education, and financial security priorities to improve lives now and into the future.
Lori Shepherd MD
Organization: Community Member/Board of Health Liaison
Lori is a member of Healthy Marathon County, and serves as a community member. As a pediatrician with Marshfield Clinic, Lori works with well and special needs children in the community. Lori also serves as liaison and member of the Marathon County Board of Health.

Jennifer Smith
Organization: Bridge Community Health Clinic
Jennifer is the immediate past president and nominations chair of Healthy Marathon County. As Executive Director of Bridge Community Health Clinic, Jennifer is accountable for strategic direction, Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) programmatic and 330e grant requirements, and Board development/management.

Laura Scudiere
Health Officer
Organization: Marathon County Health Department
Laura has been Health Officer at the Marathon County Health Department since September 2021.

Debi Traeder
Community Member
Debi Traeder is a member of Healthy Marathon County, and works to support behavioral health and substance abuse issues in the community. Debi is Chair of Prevent Suicide Marathon County, providing information and training throughout Marathon County on mental health and suicide awareness and prevention.

Yauo Yang
Organization: DC Everest School District & The Cross Church
Yauo Yang is a member of Healthy Marathon County, and works as Hmong Liaison for the DC Everest School District, as well as pastor of The Cross Church. Yauo works to bridge the communication and culture between the school district and the Hmong community. At the church he leads spiritual support and growth of the congregation.

Erin Wells
Organization: Aging and Disability Resource Center of Central Wisconsin
Erin Wells is a member of Healthy Marathon County and Community Resources Manager for the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Central Wisconsin (ADRC-CW). The ADRC-CW provides information and resources for older adults and adults with disabilities throughout Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon and Wood counties. Erin’s role also involves collaboration with partners, community health education, healthy living and prevention programming and volunteer coordination.